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Owl ear

At dusk, as the red sun sets beyond the dark trees, the owls gather to divide the hunting grounds, and to twitter among themselves. They canoodle unseen, long low hoots with frivolous exchanges. Archetypal images of moon, pine tree and owl become fact  in the garden at night.

We prick our ears at nightfall. An occasional ‘twit’ goes unanswered, but before long repeated ‘twits’ receive a long soft ‘twooo’ sound in response, and then the two hoots intermingle, intertwine with others and merge into silence.

It makes us laugh: such indecorous behaviour exhibited by so staid a bird! And laughing we go to bed, warm and snug, while they quarter the peninsula spreading fear and doom, small rodents quiver before being hung, drawn – and eaten!

Hell's Bells

A gossip of grandmothers gathers among the cool boxes, the shopping bags, plastic containers and tins. While their capable hands are busy scooping, slapping, covering they incessantly talk about wayward children and medical conditions. Ingredients are diced and sliced, made and mixed, sandwiches filled and cut, each dainty triangle artistically arranged on its doilied tray. With tense exuberance the woman in charge controls the activity; arranging, cajoling, exchanging, re-doing each and every finicky operation. ‘There, doesn’t that look nice, don’t you think,  - but don’t you think so?’ Insecurity peeping. Assorted cakes of every make, elaborate and plain, sugared and creamed, spread out to tempt.

That ham, reared in intensive Danish farm, died for you to throw bits away. These crusts, enough to feed a family for a week, slung in bin bags for irreverent disposal. That cake, more eye than tongue, gathered from more than one country of origin to be crumbled and chucked. Conspicuous waste for the jaded temptation of the rich. A swan comes in, parades around, casts a beady eye, re-arranges, comments and departs.

The duchesses pause for lengthy socialising over an elegantly prepared luncheon – this is what it’s all about.

Outside the wind becomes unreasonable. Are we sailing? No, we’re not. Yes, we are. Have we too much tea, too little, too late? Uncertainty sets in.

The music bursts like rock-smashing waves, the trombone shouts, a dissonance of instruments breaks out, the tempo quickens, the noise decibels. Colour, noise, wet-suited people swirl and chat, like parrots in a zoo.

The women hang around, waiting for custom; counting the plates, mashing the tea, checking the table. It’s beautiful just. So much food, a temptation to hens to peck whilst clucking among feathery friends.

Wasps for the flowers, covert non-payers; sneaky children, paunchy seniors slide past the begging bowl, dart a hand, mouth a meringue. Vegetarians peer and recoil. Now there is too much indifferent cake, squishy sandwiches with questionable fillings, food flyblown, wasp-tasted, discarded polystyrene cups and paper plates, litter to be batched and dispatched later.

Outside, the sea enticingly sparkles, the waves fill and fade, the breeze blows catspaws, the boats dance, the air breathes life. And I inside – ultimate frustration.

Restronguet Sailing Club, Tuesday, Falmouth Week, Tea, Hell, TR11 5UF.


A Modern Curriculum Vitae (Required, when taking a Council Art Class)

Name: Adele Penguin
Date of hatching: 01.01.01
Nationality: British Subject
Status: Empty nester

Schooling: South Georgia primary school, Falklands Grammar, Ross Peninsula Poly.

Honours degree: Nautiology in Reeling, Writhing and Fainting in Coils Cum Laude.

Other qualifications: Pilot’s Licence, Coastal Navigation Grade A, Deep Sea Fishing Licence, Celestial Navigation and a Practical in Leopard Seal Evasion. 
Also a course in the European Union Common Fishing Policy.
Have represented the nation in Synchronized Swimming

Aspirations: A job in Timbuktu. Wants to widen horizons and experience a different environment.  Socially motivated and would like to help with a fishery development especially after reading, ‘Salmon Fishing in the Yemen.’

Ambitions: Another feather in the cap.

Criminal Record: Brought up before the beak on a charge of fishing in excess of quota, The Wrong Sort of Fish.

Hobbies: Triathlon in swimming, waddling and sliding. Enjoys trekking.

Character: Is communicative and gregarious. Tendency to flap, occasionally to flip.
In a stable relationship, non-smoker, not licensed to drive. Likes a cold environment.
Works best under pressure and in the dark. Weak on mathematics and computing; can count to five. Eats oily fish, dislikes krill.

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